Theresa's Essential Oils
I was told that I could be anything I wanted...I wanted to make people feel A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! Nor did I realize the opportunity that awaited me.
I have a passion for encouraging and inspiring others and I am really loving my essential oil journey. I have been inspired to create a chemical and toxic free home for myself and my family! I had been using oil blends for headaches and sleep for some time but never stopped to consider all the benefits oils had to offer me and my family. I’m having the best time experimenting with my own custom oi

Some awesome roller bottle blends for your little ones!
Some great roller bottle recipes for kids. It sure is awesome being able to help your child using a natural product that comes straight from the earth 🌏🌱🌲
I always have roller bottles on hand if anyone needs more and if you grab a starter kit I will send you some. These literally take about one minute to make and the kids can help too!

As I'm fighting a massive headache when I should be sleeping I was reminded that I've been asked by many people if there is an oil blend I would suggest that can help bring relief from headaches.
My headaches are a result of nerve damage and I do have a special blend that Zaps my headaches almost instantly. But we all suffer from headaches for a variety of reasons...what helps me may not be the right solution for you. I will share my recipe in the comments though for anyone that would like to try it.
Dr Axe has a blog page on headaches by type and the essential oils that he recommends to be helpful.
You can read his post here:

My new favorite Young Living product is Thieves...
I have been experimenting with a few recipes using Thieves essential oil and Thieves concentrated cleaner and have really just scratched the surface of all it can do.
- I've made an all purpose's amazing...cleans and disinfects most surfaces and is streak free....bacteria swab comes back clean.
- Clorox Type Cleaning Wipes only better...using Thieves Cleaner and a roll of paper towel
- Thieves hand sanitizer, with Thieves essential oil.
- Thieves essential oil foaming hand sanitizers for each bathroom and kitchen...again kills bacteria and smells and feels great!
- Thieves Soft Scrub using Thieves cleaner, this stuff got rid of the build up of baked on crud on my ceramic cook top.
- Thieves Tea, a sore-throat fighting, nasty cold-repelling tea!
- Thieves toothpaste...until mine arrives on my next order, I've made my own
- Outdoor/Bug Spray – I hate store-bought bug repellents with all those nasty chemicals! And this one costs about a $ each container...can't beat that!
- Playdough – Add a few drops of Thieves to your favorite homemade playdough. Not only will it smell great, but it will absorb through your child’s skin and boost their immune system. It’s a great way to ward off sickness in our little ones!
Can you tell I love Thieves?

My research has taken me into essential oils and skin care...and really I could (and probably will) be here for a very long time. But for now I did want to share a sneak peek of my findings with this article full of wonderful tips of several uses for essential oils and skin care.
For much more of what Dr. Axe has to share go to

Good Morning...hope you all had a relaxing weekend and are ready for a new week!
Today I'm starting my day off with Peppermint and Lemon in my diffuser.
And Lemon, Grapefruit and Orange in my water to get a great start to my Monday!
And I'm armed with a new travel pack of mini roller bottle blends that I made this weekend...they're the perfect size to throw in my purse so they're on hand to help me with whatever the day throws at me. And I bought a cute little travel case so they don't get lost in the bottom of my purse!
All set for a busy week!

Even though it seems pretty much impossible to run out of diffuser combinations, some days we just feel like trying something new and can't come up with something to try! So here are a few very simple 3 drop diffuser blends you could try! you could increase your drops of course, I just find more than 3 drops is often too strong for me.
So I have drawn the winner of the Tree Of Life Diffuser...and the winner is...

Essential oils are super concentrated and contain all of the memory and immune system of the plant. We reap the benefits from this every time we use them. But because they are so highly concentrated they can cause some serious adverse effects if not properly diluted.
Just a few examples, it takes:
a) There are approx. 75 LEMONS in a 15 ml bottle of lemon oil and there are 300 drops in a 15 ml bottle, 1 drop of lemon oil is equal to 1/4 of a lemon.
b) 27 square feet of LAVENDER plants are used to fill a 15ml bottle of Lavender
c) There is 1 pound of PEPPERMINT plant material in a 15ml bottle of peppermint…again with 300 drops in a 15 ml bottle and 1 drop of peppermint oil is = to 28 cups of peppermint tea!
So keep in mind how powerful essential oils are, and how far just 1 drop goes!
Read my full blog here:

So I decided I should figure out how to clean my diffuser, not because it's misbehaving or is dirty...but just because I want to keep it running smoothly. Earlier I diffused Joy, Orange and peppermint...and now in my clean diffuser I'm diffusing vinegar and lemon.

Been a crazy busy week, so I haven't been on too much but I wanted to take a few minutes to post these dilution charts...for me it was a tad confusing trying to figure out the right calculations when I decided to experiment with essential oil I have put together a few charts that will hopefully make it a little easier for those of you in the same boat I was.
As well as am including a list of Essential oils considered safe for babies and children under 5. Essential oils for newborns & babies should be used minimally for the first 3 months.
And although Young Living essential oils are pure, safe therapeutic-grade of pesticides, fillers and contaminants, the liver can only process so much at a time so proper dilution is always a must.

This blend has been a life saver for me today...I don't normally get headaches anymore but I when I do...this Zaps IT out of existence!
And because headaches can really put a halt on even the simplest of tasks I'm sharing this blend with you...It really works and fast!

I have a lot of people asking about alternate diffuser blends to help them sleep, not every blend works for every person....some sleep blends can be too strong or maybe you just don't like the smell.
A common sleep blend/oil is Stress Away or Lavender...or a combination using Stress Away and/or Lavender. While I love this blend during the day Stress Away and Lavender are too strong and actually distract me from sleeping at night. So I have a chart of various blend combinations that also help to promote a great nights sleep.
Hopefully one of these may help those of you that have inquired about other blends.

All you need to do is:
1. Like this Page
and Share this Post to get an entered into the draw!
- Post in the comments that you've liked & shared so I know to enter you into the draw.
2. Tell me what Essential Oil/Oil Blend you'd like to know more about to get a second entry into the draw for a Tree of Life Diffuser Necklace.
3. And I think the first person to Like, Share and Comment should get a third entry! :)
It's that easy!
Prize will be shipped at our cost if the winner is not local!
Contest starts now, Draw will be chosen using a randomizer on March 1st
I have several oils in mind to Spotlight, oils that have made a huge difference in our lives here, but I'd love to Spotlight a Young Living Essential Oil or Oil Blend that you might want to know more about!
So to make it a little more fun I'm going to do a draw for a Tree Of Life Essential Oil Diffuser Necklace.
Looking forward to seeing what essential oils you all want to know more about!

Because I love Thieves so much I'm hoping to be Spotlighting this blend next, but first a bit of an introduction to Thieves, what the ingredients are and the concept behind well as 25 everyday uses for Thieves
What is Thieves?
Thieves is an essential oil blend sold by Young Living. The formulation contains a combination of clove, lemon, cinnamon, eucalyptus and rosemary essential oils.
The concept behind Thieves oil is based on the legend of four 15th century French thieves. Although they spent their days robbing sick and dying people, they managed to escape contracting the plague and other such nasty diseases. Legend has it that they doused themselves with a special herbal concoction to protect themselves from infection – sometimes referred to as “four thieves’ vinegar”.
And although “Thieves” has almost become something of a generic term to describe any type of antibacterial, immune-boosting blend of essential oils...the name “Thieves” is actually a registered trademark of Young Living

Here is the new Young Living 2017 online Product Guide!!...Take a browse through when you have a few minutes to see all of the amazing products we have to offer, uses for the products and recipes you can make!
2017 Young Living Canada Product Guide The Product Guide is an A-to-Z reference for all Young Living products. With prices, how-to-use tips and detailed descriptions, the Product Guide makes it easy for you to learn about and share Young Living’s products.

Here are some of the best essentials oils for anxiety:
Lavender, Rose, Vetiver, Ylang Ylang, Bergamot, Chamomile, Frankincense
By: Dr. Axe

I love, love, love Thieves household cleaner!
It contains Thieves essential oil blend along with a soap based agent. It is highly concentrated and 1 bottle lasts months! You only need one cap full to 3-4 cups of water...which makes Thieves a great economical solution for household cleaning.
And it smells so good!
So, say goodbye to harmful, toxic, chemical cleaners and say hello to natural, chemical free cleaning with Thieves!

Homemade Deodorant
•1/2 cup coconut oil
•1/2 cup baking soda
•40-60 drops YLessential oils - Choice of Scents
•[Scent recommendations: Female oils scents (lavender, lemon and sage) Male oils scents (cypress, rosemary and bergamot)]
•Empty deodorant containers
1. Put coconut oil in bowl
2. Mix in baking soda
3. Add in essential oils
4. Store in a deodorant container or in a glass jar

LEMON...*one of my very favorite YL Essential Oils...I use this in so many roller blends as well as in my diffuser, right now I'm diffusing Lemon and Orange in my office! Love it, so refreshing!
It's in my SLIMDOWN Blend and and has curbed my night time snacking!
And I drink it in my water all day, every day and it's changed my life, quenches my thirst better, calms my stomach, cleanses and purifies and I swear it helps me sleep better!
Yikes!!! So, I was messing around in settings and inadvertently deleted my whole Shop and all the product it took so many hours to enter. :(
For those of you that have been messaging me about certain items I hope to have it back up by this evening! :)

I've had several people ask me what size the bottles of Young Living Essential Oils are and how long they will last!
So I built a little chart showing the size and approx. how many drops per bottle size. How long each bottle lasts will be determined by how much you use a particular oil...I ran out of Lemon and Frankincense after 4 weeks because I loved them so much I used them all the time, in the diffuser, experimenting with blends, using in my diffuser jewelry.
But I have other oils that are half full and some 3/4 really just depends on how much you use them. Hopefully once your kit arrives and you start using your oils, knowing how many drops you can expect from each jar will give you a better idea of how long they might last. As an example today I diffused Stress Away 15ml and Panaway 5ml (makes the house smell like rootbeer) I used 3 drops of each and it diffused for about 4-5 hours before it shut off.
And because tomorrow we'll be spotlighting Young Living's Lemon Essential Oil I decided to use Lemon for the chart.
Hope you find it helpful.

A crazy snow day here, praying the promised rain starts soon!
Anyway, instead of a single essential oil or one of the Young Living blended oils today I'm spotlighting one of my own blends *Made of course using Young Living essential oils because of their standard for essential oil purity and authenticity.
So this blend came about for us because my daughter asked me to make a blend that would encourage her short hair to grow quicker while helping to repair the damage that resulted from regular coloring.
The following blend is the result of that request.
Because I made way too much, I gave the overages to my husband and for the first couple of weeks he told everybody that I made this potion for hair growth and that he spilled some while applying it and now has to shave his forehead.
So forward 3 weeks and while cutting his hair the other day I was amazed to see that his thinning patch on the back of his head is no longer thinning or thin...he now has new hair growth, to the point that you wouldn't know there was any thinning!
I have no before and after photo's because I made this blend for a different purpose.
So I'm excited to share this blend with you all because we have experienced such success with it...hope it helps some of you as well. I have a recipe for a shampoo that I will be making today so I'll add that in the comments below, as well I'll post a list of other essential oils that encourage healthy hair and scalp care.

So I know I said I was going to spotlight a hair blend and I will as soon as I get a chance, but I did want to re-spotlight R.C. with a brief update first...
We are heading into night 8 and so far no snoring still...and last night I fell asleep early and Tom didn't know where the R.C. was, so he didn't actually use it...and still no snoring. From a guy that snored no matter how he slept or what we tried.
So for those of you that missed the details it's super simple...just use the R.C. with a roller top on the bottom of each big toe before going to sleep. That's it! If you have a snorer in your life they need to try R.C.

So I have a lot of people asking what essential oils are all about and so I've decided to try to spotlight different oils or oil blends as I get the chance.
There are so many to choose from that I've decided to start with the oils that I love the most and/or those that have made a big difference in my life in the short amount I've been on this oily journey. Today I think I'm going to probably go with a hair blend that is amazing...but that's later! :)
For this post I wanted to address the many people that have asked what the difference is between buying a Membership and just being a Retail Customer so I'm hoping this graphic I built will help to explain it just a little...if you have any questions feel free to post on the thread or private message me! :)
So I should also say that the Young Living Membership is initiated with the purchase of a Premium Starter Kit (PSK) It includes all kinds of items...a Dew Drop shaped Home Diffuser, a Collection of Essential Oils among other items...worth over $400. but $199.75 when you buy the kit!
I'll attach a picture of the kit in the comments ! :)

My second Young Living Essential Oil to hit the Spotlight is Grapefruit, not just because it is one of my favorite scents... the aroma of grapefruit oil is clean, fresh and a little bit bitter, just like the actual fruit itself, but Grapefruit essential oil can help you lose weight, bust stress and reduce sugar cravings. It is a natural antibacterial, has anti-fungal abilities. Grapefruit Oil is a powerful gallbladder and liver stimulant, which helps stop headaches, cravings and sluggishness. Rids unpleasant odors, Lowers inflammation Increases blood flow,. Natural energizer, Digestive Booster, Fights acne, used in shampoo it reduces grease, sweat and bacteria while adding volume & shine...and it's a flavor enhancer!
I was going to spotlight the oils in the starter kit first but have decided to spotlight oils that have begun changing my life personally, I have just begun to learn about and apply Young Living's Grapefruit essential oil in my life and I am already feeling and seeing the benefits...I'll update as I go!

So I was trying to decide which of my many favorite Young Living essential oils/blends I would spotlight first, this one was not at the top of the list until yesterday! After years of suffering form SNORING ABUSE and trying without fail to conquer it, (short of suffocating my abuser) I had a crazy idea passed along to me that simply putting a drop of RC on the bottom of the big toes of the offender would put an end to the snoring. Ha! As amazing as I've found these oils to be I must say I was a tad skeptical but tried it that night....and this stuff actually worked, there was no snoring - NONE! one little drop per toe...that's it! This is the most amazing blend bar none! If you have a snorer in your life you need to try RC!
Night 2 using R.C. was even better than the was so quiet when I climbed into bed that I had to check to be sure he was still alive, unfortunately my had was a little cold! He woke up and went back to sleep without a sound. It's the most amazing thing ever! I pray for this to be a forever thing!
Night 4, and still no snoring....I'm thinking this is more than just a placebo! :)

For those of you that expressed an interest in taking advantage of this amazing deal, you have only 1 day left to take advantage of it.
For those of you that haven't heard about the offer yet...Young Living is offering 10% off your starter kit and as a Young Living distributor I’m offering an additional $20. off...which brings your kit down to $159.78 from $199.75! An amazing deal.PLUS you also get a FREE bottle of Stress Away...I’m not sure I would survive without my bottle of Stress Away.
Whether you want to start your own Young Living distributorship or just use essential oils for your personal use...buying a kit doesn't obligate you to anything except enjoying your new healthy and oily life! If you need more info feel free to message anytime.

Did You Know?

Learn more about Young Living Essential oils!
THIS IS YOUNG LIVING Learn about Young Living's matchless products and lifestyle in this informative introductory video. Everything you need to ...